Enjoy a sunny day wandering the many markets in the North east region of Victoria and indulge in the delicious fresh fruit available.
The Elderflower tree is beginning to flower so we will have Elderflower Cordial at the markets from mid November
We picked our first cherries on 31 October - a few days earlier than usual. The trees are loaded this year after winter frosts gave the trees the chill factor that they love - in winter! The bees were out to pollinate the blossoms in spring and the rain ( while not has much as we would have liked in the spring) , has eased off now that the fruit is turning so that so far the fruit has not been damaged.
We are hoping the rain will not return to wreak havoc on the later cherries - they are looking fantastic as they start to turn to a deep red/black colour. Because of our nets we can let the cherries ripen completely on the trees without fear of bird picks. Once a cherry is picked it will not ripen anymore.
Our varieties are ripening at different times so we hope to be able to supply all markets until Christmas - weather permitting.
It has been our experience over the years that cherries usually sell out in the first hour of a market so get there EARLY .
The berries have enjoyed the cooler weather, especially the cold nights. We expect to be able to start picking about 15 November..
Our first producers will be Brambleberries, Loganberries and Tayberries . Then there will be Boysenberries, followed finally as Christmas approaches by Marionberries and Waldoberries.
Remember all berries freeze well, so if you want to be sure of having a particular variety of berries on your Christmas pavlova or trifle, you can always purchase them in advance and freeze them so you won’t be caught without them for Christmas.
When the berry season is over we usually have a big supply in our freezer so it is possible to buy frozen berries for most of the year.
Saturday 9th November- WANGARATTA FARMERS MARKET Holy Trinity Cathedral Grounds 8.00am - 12.00 noon
Saturday 9th November - PEECHELBA COMMUNITY MARKET Peechelba Community Hall 9.00am - 1.00pm
Saturday 16th November - MOYHU FARMERS MARKET Lions Park Moyhu 8.00am - 12.00 noon
Saturday 23 November - MANSFIELD FARMERS MARKET High Street Median Strip 9.00am - 1.00 pm
Saturday 30 November - ST MICHAEL’S ARTISAN MARKET O’Leary/Appin St Wangaratta 9,00am - 1.00pm
Saturday 7th December- MOUNT BEAUTY COMMUNITY MARKET: Hydro Park 9.00am - 1.00pm
Saturday 14th December- WANGARATTA FARMERS MARKET Holy Trinity Cathedral Grounds, 8.00am - 12.00 noon
Saturday 21 December - MOYHU FARMERS MARKET Lions Park Moyhu 8.00 - 12.00 noon
Saturday 28 December: -MANSFIELD FARMERS MARKET: High Street Median Strip 9,00am - 1.00pm
FARM GATE SALES - - Best to ring first in case we are not home. WE DO NOT HAVE “PICK YOUR OWN” FRUIT
Our new season red salad onions now featuring at our market stalls
Amazing fresh, young and tender sweet corn available SOON!!!
Some of our value-added products made from our harvest.